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Pure Stress Reset

  • 19 Steps
Get a certificate by completing the program.


Welcome to Pure Stress Reset. How we live our lives directly reflects how our bodies are feeling. The idea and concept of this programme is to de-stress the body and quickly relieve stored stuck energies to start the day stress-free and relieve any pain from the body. It is a key way to start your morning fresh, continue into the day with a high vibe, and face anything head-on with confidence and poise. Using these methods, you can easily start to see changes in your life, and the morning routine only takes 5-20 minutes every morning. Decide to change your body, and the stress will fall off. I urge you to make this a daily practice, destress the body, and release any stored energy as quickly as possible. You can make these routines work around you throughout the day as well. Do not stop in the morning; check out the Pure Stress Reset for more tips and techniques to help clear stress and pain quickly. Warning: These routines will flush out major toxins and lower energies in the body. You may feel flu-like symptoms but are perfectly safe; the body is healing! NO NEED TO GET A COVID TEST. Your body is flushing out the waste and healing itself. Let the energy flow Enjoy the new paradigm of self-healing and the Pure Stress Reset.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app




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